FMC3 is where we take the skills learned in the first two levels, and apply them to loaded environments. This workshop looks at the pros and cons of traditional gym-based exercises, and improves them with the knowledge of our primal movement coaching framework. 

We then evolve our coaching to learn why, how, and when to incorporate advanced loaded lifts, including Olympic style, and complex tri-planar loaded patterns to our client programs.

Loaded movement training has been saved until level three because it’s important to gain movement competency before adding load. We dive deeper into the science of movement training, look at how our movement coaching and primal pattern framework fits with many common gym exercises, discuss typical mistakes made in the gym environment, and learn simple strategies for improving this approach. Finally, we will explore key program design principles that underpin highly effective and engaging client sessions.

Workshop Summary



  • Lever review
  • Stretch shortening cycle and power development
  • Golgi tendon organ
  • Hypertrophy process and types
  • Functional Anatomy

Practical application of common exercises – are you doing them correctly?

  • Common gym exercises – Cueing and coaching loaded primal patterns
  • Squat (back, front, OH)
  • Deadlift
  • Chest Press

Taking your movement coaching to the next level. Adding strength, power, agility, and complex lifts

  • Clean
  • Snatch
  • X-body sport based and tri-planar lifting

Viewing traditional exercise through a movement filter

  • Program Design
  • Movement skill development
  • Targeting to client needs and goals
  • Who is this course designed for?
  • Attendees of FMC2
  • Personal Trainers (Intermediate to Advanced)
  • Group instructors  (Intermediate to Advanced)
  • Athletes and sport coaches
  • Fitness enthusiasts